Thursday, April 29, 2010


(After just being informed that my job may no longer exist in a year or two and that this degree may have been for nothing not to mention the thousands of dollars in debt and the loss of 2 1/2 years of my life, I am not so motivated anymore to do anything today....alas, I will try...)

The next victim that filled out a form was my old roommate, Gena.  Gena is the one who loves I knew this could be rough.  On her form she listed that she is interested in cooking, wine, travel, and Italy.  She listed humor and women's lives as genres and told me that she likes women authors and female characters.  I found her a biography about a man who was well known for his wine knowledge, a few light and fast reads that were humorous and about women's lives similar to Sophie Kinsella. 

Michael was my other victim and since it was a guy, I did find it to be more difficult.  He likes to read Westerns, fantasy, humor, and horror which are the opposite of the type of books I am familar with.  I search books similar to the authors he listed and found an award list of Westerns to look at.  I found him a couple of good Westerns and fantasy/horror books that he said look like good reads.

My last person to do was the hardest.  Devin did not put much on his form and from my personal experience of him being in the book store with me for hours, I knew this one was going to be painful.  He said he likes espionage.  I didn't know what that is...had to consult with Michael.  He said he liked Tom Clancy and J.R.R. Tolkein so I searched for read alikes by author.  He liked the Bourne series so I did find similar on those as well.  I did find him some books that he thought he might read.  He isn't an avid reader like me! :) 

Over all, I think it was a good experience and my people seemed to be happy with what I found.  I used Fiction Connection alot but also used Fantastic Fiction, Amazon, Mid-Continent Public Library, Stop! You're Killing Me!, and Library Thing for my searches.  I love these resources and will be sad when I no longer have access to them.

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